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7 Things to Do in 2025

So many people and companies do a top ten for the New Year.  But does anyone really stick with them?  Personally, I gave up New Year Resolutions about ten years ago.  I made lofty goals like exercising every day for an hour, drinking one glass of wine on Saturday nights, being a better person. The list goes on.  After about a month, or maybe less, I would forget or actively give up on the list and go back to my status quo.

Now, the resolutions I make are more realistic and manageable.  There are only a couple and most of them are easily attainable.  Why should resolutions always be things that are good for you but unachievable?  I don’t know what kind of resolutions you propose for yourself, but if you are looking for some realistic ones, check out what I am proposing below.

  1. Read at least six books over the course of a year

  2. Make one new friend this year

  3. Exercise at least 20 minutes a day

  4. Call long distance friends or relatives twice a month

  5. Sleep better and longer

  6. Be kind to yourself

  7. Do one act of kindness a month

I pulled some of these ideas from a recent Washington Post article and some online research, others are my personal favorites.  Feel free to use as many of my suggestions as you want and supplement with your own ideas.  But, make sure that whatever you put on your list are things you can realistically accomplish this year.  Make this year one where you can get to December 2025 and say, “I actually did what I set out to do on January 1st.”

Read at least six books over the course of the year  Don’t just read the genre you love. Look at Goodreads, the NYT Bestseller list or your local library suggestions.  I love to look at Goodreads recommendations and sign up every year for the Readers Challenge.  The challenge allows you to choose the number of books you will read during a year and then keep track of your progress.  Over the years I have read a lot of books and the reading challenge helps keep me on my toes.

Make one new friend this year  “Gaining one closer friend in 2024 may significantly boost your life satisfaction, as friendship is known to protect against stress and improve mental health.” says Emma Nadler a psychotherapist in her February 2024 column in the Washington Post.  That is easier than it seems if you put yourself out there in the community. It doesn’t have to be a brand new person in your life.  It could be someone you have wanted to get to know better.  Invite them to coffee, go for a walk or do an activity you both enjoy. This past year I made several new friends. These were women I volunteered with and who lived in my new neighborhood. In once case I invited her to coffee. In another, we went on local walks while chatting and getting to know each other.

Exercise at least 20 minutes a day  OK, I know I said the exercise goal is usually quick to end, but this is a realistic number.  Unless you never standup, get your groceries delivered and have someone to cook and clean for you, you will be able to accomplish 20 minutes a day.  Driving to the grocery?  Park in a spot farther away from the door.  Take a short walk at lunchtime or use the stairs instead of the elevator for a floor or two.  You would be surprised how easy it is to do 20 minutes of movement a day.  And if this is too easy for your then bump it up by ten or fifteen minutes.

Call long distance friends or relatives twice a month This is something that I started doing in 2024. Remember when you would call your friends and chat for hours on the landline? This is old school fun on new school technology. Do they even make phones with cords any more? I never know if my friends and family are busy with their lives. So, I send a text or email and ask when it is convenient to chat. We set a time on our calendars and wait for the appointed day. I don't need to research the value of this because I know it first hand. For me the anticipation of a voice-to-voice chat with someone I don't see very often is the hightlight of my day. Convesations flow because we are talking with each other and not texting. Or worse yet, waiting for an email response!

Sleep better and longer  This is a big one for all of us. According to a UC Davis 2023 health article, ‘Getting enough sleep can play an important role in your weight, emotional wellbeing, blood pressure, diabetes, mental and physical performance, and more.’   The Mayo Clinic says that adults should have 7 hours of sleep a night.  If you have a partner, dog or even loud neighbors that keep you up at night, this is disrupting your sleep.  Sleep is so important in our lives and many of us, including me, neglected it for years.  Two years ago I got Bose Sleepbuds as a gift from my husband.  These comfortable earbuds provide noise cancelling capabilities that work wonders in planes, loud hotels and more.  I am a light sleeper and now, when on travel, I sleep soundly because of them.

Be kind to yourself  I believe we are our own worst critics.  ‘I’m not good enough, I am not thin enough, rich enough, successful enough.  My kids or husband are as not as good as theirs.  I don’t give enough.’  We criticize ourselves daily in one form or another and it really isn’t doing us any good.  What do you really accomplish by cutting yourself down?  Lower self esteem, sadness, and a feel of little self worth. So instead of comparing yourself to others, look at what you have.  If life is currently giving you lemons then try and make a little lemonade.  To use another oft used phrase, look at the glass as half full rather than half empty.  If you need some quality self care time then take it!  Have a bubble bath, watch your favorite TV show, cuddle with your pet.  Whatever makes you feel a little bit better is good for you.

Do one act of kindness a month ‘Emotions are contagious so witnessing someone else’s  happiness can make us smile too.’ says Juli Fraga in her September 2024 article to the Washington Post.  ‘Complimenting a friend, neighbor or coworker can help.  Saying, “It’s nice to see you,” can go a long way.’

Good luck in 2025. Take time to enjoy the new year and try new things. And remember, every small step you take towards your goals is a vicotry. Here's to a fulfiling and successful 2025!



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